So, you might remember, this is where the legacy left off last time. Like, literally, right here. Asher Jones has bought a large empty lot in Sunset Valley, as so many wonderful legacy founders before him have done. :D
Asher immediately went off to have a long conversation with the papergirl about...something.

Cora: He's cute.

And you're creepy. Leave!

In this legacy, I'm playing 'no wish left behind', because I find it makes things infinitely more interesting. So when Asher rolls a wish to play chess, I oblige by taking him to the beach. Two birds with one stone! He might meet his co-founder here! Are you excited yet?
There are actually quite a few sims at the beach, which is unusual for my game. Thornton and Morgana Wolff, actually talking civilly like normal people, OMG!
A creepy teenage zombie in a hat.

Michael Bachelor: Braaaaaaains.
Leighton Sekemoto and his bald son.
...I gave Sam hair. It was bothering me too much.
For really seriously avid readers of mine, here's Summer Hyde, reincarnated with a new legacy! Only in this game she's Summer Smith, because she and Dorrogon aren't together. I'd consider her to be Asher's wife because she's gorgeous, but that wouldn't be fair to all the other sims out there who have never co-founded before. :/ Sorry, Summer.

Summer: Fair's fair.
Arlo Bunch: Why is that loser sitting there playing chess with himself?

Get lost, Bunchy!

Skillbar: Face time! :D

Whatever. >:( Don't get used to it.
Asher: Are you ever going to stop introducing the town?

Yeah, yeah, we'll get to you!

Thornton and Morgana: *person person plus*!
And now I bring you... Ferrin and Heather Frost, having a conversation from either side of a huge umbrella!

These two are actually from my Supernatural testing file, but they made such gorgeous babies there I thought I'd bring them over here to see if they could do it again.
So, Ash, you bored yet? Ready to move on?

Asher: Hell yeah. Let's go home!

Nope. You have a wish to buy a logic book, and while we're in town we may as well get on that...
Hey, look! Here, in the park, in the dark! It's... my simself!

Zaffie Nought: Hi.

She's not particularly excited to meet you, but that's okay! I am!
I send Asher over to introduce himself, because we'll want to be inviting my simself to any and all future parties.
So. Um. Awkward.

Look, Asher, I don't care how hot my simself is (she's smokin'), you're not tapping that. So go away now, please.
Because Asher was born in-game, he had a fair bit of money left over after buying his new lot, so I built him half a house. It's very, very grey.
Do you like your new house, Asher?

Asher: Yes. Now that I have a house all to myself, I can clean all the dishes straight away!
Asher: Zzz... no dirty dishes in my legacy...

Closet Neat sim? Anyway, thus concludes the first day of the Jones Rainbowcy. It was... completely uneventful! So here is where I'll end this chapter.

Pfft, nope. That would just be boring! Onwards! To the next screenshot! Go on, go! Why are you still here reading this rubbish? Go!
The very next morning...

Asher: *squints* Um, I can't really see this thing. I wish you'd made my spectacles part of my sleepwear, Zaffie.

Spectacles. *snort* Asher gets a job in the Investigator career because a) he's a Perceptive Genius, for crying out loud and b) it's working towards his LTW. Oh hey, that reminds me!
Yep. This is our founder, all right. :)
So, nothing particularly interesting happened that day, mostly because I was too lazy to take Asher down to the police station to get a case. He mooched around the house fulfilling wishes and calling my simself every time I let him be idle. Seriously, he needs some new friends. Ash is also stuck on a never-ending cycle of autumn salad, because every time he cooks it he immediately rolls a wish to cook it again. It's crazy, I tell you!

Asher: Zzz.. trying to sleep, go away...zzZ
The next day, I send Asher to the park. Aw, look at him! He's so happy to be here!
Asher: Hmm. The scientific properties of this mushroom I found here growing in the middle of a brick path must be immense!

I'll take your word for it.
Somehow I don't think Alessandra Thistle is spouse material.

Alessandra Thistle: I will cut you.
Kymberleigh Fox is the official town skank, so we won't be going anywhere near her. She has two toddlers with two different fathers, although she recently got engaged to the father of the second one, so maybe there's hope for her yet. What's wrong, Kymberleigh? Did you notice that your daughter is glitching through various parts of your body?

Kymberleigh: No, I just realised that my engagement conflicts with my commitment issues trait, and now I'm pissed.

Angry, or drunk?

Kymberleigh: Grraaaaarrrh!
I send Asher over to say hello, in case that improves her mood. He gets the attractive moodlet for her, too. I'm not surprised! Look at how much skin she's flashing! The rest of the park is devoid of life, so Asher trots across the road to obtain his very first Investigator case.
Miraj Alvi thinks someone has been using his toothbrush, so Asher traipses over to the school and waits for it to finish so that he can question the small child.

Ethan Bunch: Is he a pedophile?

Rude! But I think the paparazzi lady in the cowboy hat is. She's been standing there taking pictures of random kids, none of whom have celebrity points. Awkward for her.
Ethan: Is she looking at my ass? :D

Dorothy DeMayo: Yep. :D

This school sure is a creepy place to be.
And it just gets creepier! This girl is Peyton Fox, Kymberleigh's teenage sister - and she's pregnant. Who's the father, Peyton?

Peyton: Mah baby daddy is a secret. *pouts*
Olivan: *impales*

Angry Bunch Girl: What the eff are you trying to do, man?

Olivan O'Toole here actually is the father of Peyton's baby, although he seems to have moved on...
I gave him hair, because I can't stand bald sims in town. It makes him look like a gothic heartbreaker. Lovely. Also, please take note of the fact that it is now 6 PM in Sims time and children are still leaving school. Ugh. Possibly my game has some major lag - or maybe it just takes the townies this long every night and I just never noticed before.
In other news, my simself is in a relationship, so Asher won't be bothering her anymore. I find it amusing that she's dating Arthur Pendragon, though, because when I created the founders for the Pendragon legacy I always much preferred Mordred. xD
Asher: It's staring at me like I'm its dinner. I'm - I'm scared!

Of what?

Evelyn Amangue: Stare into my eyes, my soulless eyes.
Oh no you don't! Miraj Alvi, get back here! I've been waiting five sim-hours to talk to you! Seriously, he literally ran away from the school.

Miraj: Well, yeah. There was a creepy pedophile waiting for me!

No, there was a sweet nerdy PI waiting for you, who you hired! Go back and play nice!

Miraj: Ugh, fine.
And so, in a shady back corner of the Sunset Valley school, at night, they met, and talked. DUN DUN DUN.

Miraj: I'm starving. Can we get this over with, please?

Asher: Yeah, well, I'm tired. Tell me who took the toothbrush and we can all go home.

Miraj: All right. I think it was my brother. Go question him, kthxbai!

Seriously?! Is that it?! I could have told Asher that hours ago! Uggggggh. You know what? I'm too lazy to continue this chapter. Bye! See you next time!

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    May 2013

